Saturday, March 28, 2015

4th Quarter Blog#2

As you many know the book I'm reading is called Ghost of J. Stokely and the main characters si Jared and his brother and father. The author mostly talks about how the cabin was burning down when Jared and his brother walked up the hill. The cabin was burning down when Jared, his brother and father got there, they got closer and heard the wood and logs falling down. They were in the woods setting up their tents and his brother heard something Jared brother something coming from the lakeshore I know this because the author clearly states in the book that, "Then the noise came again. It sounded like it was coming from the path that led to the lakeshore." After they hear those noise they go and check what it was but don't find nothing.

My reflection on my book Ghost of J. Stokely is great! I would like to adjust the writing in the story because I kinda don't like how its written. I like the main character Jared because he is careless I can relate to my cousin because he just does not care about anything. I like when they found the cabin on fire and when the clerk told Jared "Don't go to the cabin" and that made me keep on reading because I wanted to see what would happen once they go and see. The writer should've added more conflict or like action in the book not just the cabin on fire.

Monday, March 23, 2015

4th Quarter Blog#1

The book I read was "The Ghost Of J. Stokely" the main character in this story if Jared. Him and his brother and father were going on a camping trip. At the beginning there is a clerk and he is wired he tells Jared "don't go there don't go." But, as you may know these teenagers like Jared did not pay any attention to the clerk in the store they just ignored him. After the store and the clerk speaking to them they found more people saying " Don't Go Over There." they ignored that too because it was their summer to be free and do what ever. Jared and his brother ad his father been planning this day since they after they were on vacation from school after the time it took they finally got there.

Jared would be described as non caring person because when they were going on the camping trip he ignored the old man and the store clerk. I know this because in the book it states that,  "Don't go there don't go." says the store clerk. After a few minutes later they see a old ma walking and he says "Don't go to the cabin up ahead." but Jared just ignores it because he's been planning it for a long time with his father. As you can see from this information Jared is a non caring person but he is going to suffer the consequences. In my opinion Jared should really start to care what these people are telling him, he should really pay attention to the people around him saying "Don't go."  

Friday, March 6, 2015

Summary and Reading Strategy#7

The book I'm reading is little lighting its about these little noms that come to life and they think the humans are a threat to there people. Marry and Isabel are the main characters in the story Marry is the one that find them but does not give there secret away Isabel does not know about he noms that are a life. The noms had powers when they were struck by a lighting and they have lighting powers to burn down stuff. They burned down Isabel's horse house because they thought Marry told her about them being alive Isabel's horse was full of fear you can see it in his eyes. I know thus because it says in the book on page 20 paragraph 2 last sentence that, "Red Delicious was snorting and bucking and his eyes full of fear." This clearly states that the noms did it because there was not lighting storm and rain from the sky.

I had a connection with story because one day I saw a house burned down in Chicago they had gas in the house and the stove was left on and I hear a big boom and ran outside and the house on fire. The whole family got out except for the dog he was trapped in the room because they closed the door and they were all crying. I tread up a little because it was a horrible thing to watch a house getting burned because of a stove being left on. I wanted to let them stay at my house but my mom said "No" because we do not know them. I feel the same way as they did because I would lose everything my PS3, bed, room, pictures and other valuables.