Friday, November 14, 2014

Summary and Note & Notice

 So as you know about Ned being a total jerk to Pedro and Pedro running for president so Ned. Ned looses because he gives up and lets Pedro win because he realized how a total jerk he was. So Pedro wins the election and he goes back and plays basketball with Ned again they made the team a whole better, they won 5 out of the 6 games in total. Ned stopped humiliating Pedro in front of the whole school because they were once friends again. 

  Aha Moment: When Ned realized that he was being a total jerk to Pedro and how they were best friends he knew he needed to stop doing that. But why in the first place he needed to make fun of Pedro if he knew one day he was going to stop? This is important because it was tearing up there friendship up and they both did not want that to happen because they were best friends. So thats why
Ned gave up the election so Pedro can win and he was happy after that. 

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