Friday, October 17, 2014

Scholastic Scope: Call of Duty Summary

I read the article called 'Call of Duty". It was about a man named Jose he had a partner named Zenit it was not a human it was a dog. A really good trained dog that sniffs bombs but just them goats and an unsuspected villager can trigger the bomb. They set off like 15 bombs but one of them Jose did not spot one. He said "I rather die than lose a limb". He heard a loud explosion right near him! HE HAD STEPPED ON AN IED. His thought had come true they called the nearest helicopter it was two hours away. His dog Zenit was okay he stood by his side until the helicopter came. After months passed he had to get his legs cut off it was a sad moment for Jose. He wanted his dog but it was not Jose's dog it was the military. Zenit was assigned to a new handler because Jose was injured but then they moved Zenit to Los Angeles that is where Jose lives. They called him to say Zenit is coming to to Los Angles base. They took a 3 hour trip just to go see Zenit he went and saw him and Zenit saw him. Zenit ran to him and licked his face and he was in a wheel chair. He had metal legs and when he went out in public some of the kids asked him if he was a transformer he said "Nah Man" "Thats what happens when you don't eat you'r vegetables".
        What I thought about the story was Jose was going to die because they said he had stepped on a IED. But they said he had to get his legs cut off. That was sad for me and him but they had to give the dog to a different handler. I would be hear broken if that was my partner for almost 3-4 months. This is only my opinion you can think different.

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